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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


Saving drawings for future reference: The AutoCAD 2023 Import module stores and restores drawing files that have been exported from previous versions of AutoCAD. With the AutoCAD Import module, you can use the workspace in the previous version of AutoCAD to open files, copy files, and edit files in the current version of AutoCAD.CAM commands with Layers:A new set of commands — Export CAM, Group Camera Layers, Cut and Paste CAM, and Move Camera Layer — help you better manage your CAM operations.Steering feedback for drafting tables: The new Drafting Tool Selection tool is designed to provide feedback on whether it is a drafting tool or a robot for which to steer. The steers for a robot will provide information on distance from the center of the robot and whether the robot is inside or outside the robot’s specified diameter. The steers for a drafting tool will provide information on distance from the center of the axis, steering speed, and whether the tool is inside or outside of the specified diameter. The direction and angle of the steers for a drafting tool will be set according to the direction and angle of the cursor when the tool is first created.Dynamically change the appearance of the User Interface: The AutoCAD User Interface changes the appearance of the interface based on different command and action events. For example, the interface may change to a simplified or list view if no drawing files are open or if a specified name does not match a file name.More time saving commands:Smart Add Dimension: For dimension instructions that include more than two lines, you can now do two things with each line of a dimension instruction.While you are editing dimension lines, you can use the Add command to define the first line of a dimension instruction, and then use the same command to add the second line.While you are editing dimension lines, you can use the Add command to define a new dimension, and then use the same command to continue to add new dimension lines.Dimension Label Guide: The Label Guide tool can now be used with the Mouse tool to quickly drag a dimension guide to the cursor.Removal of unnecessary fields in dimensioning: The Fields function of the Dimension Editor dialog box was expanded to include the removal of unnecessary fields in dimensioning, such as the field that displays the secondary axis.Exporting dimensions from 2be273e24d

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